There are 4 national schools in the Parish, the details of which are shown below. Any notices specific to the schools will display at the end of this page. All the schools have very interesting and informative websites. Therefore if you would like to find out what’s happening in any of these schools right now, please visit the school’s website. If you are intending to enroll your child in any of our schools, you will be happy to know that there is availability in them all.
Primary Schools
Cadamstown National School
Principal: Mr. Martin Lynch
Cadamstown, Broadford, Co Kildare
Phone: 046 955 1308
Website: Cadamstown National School
Broadford National School
Principal: Miss Cara O'Mahony
Deputy Principal: Mr. Ciarán Madden
Broadford, Co. Kildare
Phone: 046 955 1323
Website: St. Mary's National School
Johnstownbridge National School
Principal: Frances Belton
Johnstownbridge, Enfield, Co. Meath.
Phone: 046 954 1907
Website: St. Patrick's National School
Clogherinkoe National School
Principal: Mrs. Yvonne Brennan
Deputy Principal: Ms. Aoife Fealy
Phone: 046 955 3428
Additional Email:
Website: Clogherinkoe National School